Perth's Got Talent 2

Further to my last Perth post here, I have found even more designs by the great students of Central Institute of Technology, UWA and Curtin Universities in Perth.

Here are just a few more examples of amazing WA talent from
Decor + Design Melbourne 2014.

Holiday table by Callum Campbell.
Holiday table by Callum Campbell}

Cling lamp by Megan Devenish-Krauth, industrial designer at Megmeg
Cling lamp by Megan Devenish-Krauth, industrial designer at Megmeg}

The Treehouse by Ali Sattarpanah
The Treehouse by Ali Sattarpanah}

Metallo light by Shannon Riddle
Metallo light by Shannon Riddle}

Lumpy Space Time clock by Amy Perejuan-Capone of Horse on Toast
Lumpy Space Time clock by Amy Perejuan-Capone of Horse on Toast}

The Square chair by Jessica Mountain
The Square chair by Jessica Mountain, UWA}

The Carbon chair by Johann Roussel
Carbon chair by Johann Roussel}

One Eight One by Shannon Riddle Industrial Design
One Eight One by Shannon Riddle Industrial Design}

The Mantel wall hung floating shelf and clock by Nicolaas Van Pelt
The Mantel wall hung floating shelf and clock by Nicolaas Van Pelt}

T.G.C. by Shannon Riddle
T.G.C. by Shannon Riddle}

Aerial Chair by Megan Devenish-Krauth, industrial designer at Megmeg.
{Aerial Chair by Megan Devenish-Krauth, industrial designer at Megmeg. I still want this!}

How yum are they?! Hopefully I'll find some more local talent to share with you soon.
Do you have any favourites? Or designs that you have seen out there that you would like to share? I'd love to hear your thoughts below.

xo Romona

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